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School Rules

Kratt Schoolwide Rules

School rules are made not only to protect our students and staff, but also to provide a structured environment in the classroom, playground, and cafeteria. We ask for your cooperation in supporting these rules.

  1. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  2. Demonstrate respect towards other students and adults at all times.
  3. Use appropriate school language at all times.
  4. Follow directions the first time given.
  5. Do not disrupt the learning environment.
  6. Be a Bucketfiller!

Kratt has developed a 3 level Behavior System.

Level 1 behaviors are minor and will be corrected by the adult in charge.

Level 2 behaviors are more serious and the student will receive a consequence from the teacher.  Possible consequences could include loss of privileges, timeout, phone call home.

Level 3 behaviors are those behaviors that are chronic level 1 or 2 behaviors, behaviors that pose a threat to adult authority, pose a threat to physical safety and/or shut down the learning environment. Level 3 behaviors will be dealt with by an administrator and necessary disciplinary action will be taken. Possible consequences could include loss of privileges, detention, pre-suspension, restitution, suspension or expulsion.

Classroom Discipline

All classrooms support the school wide discipline policy; however each individual teacher may design a separate discipline system that is more relevant to the needs of their individual classroom. Please make sure that you are aware of the expectations of your child’s teacher and support those expectations.

Bus Rules

Bus transportation is a service and a privilege.  Students who are cited for the violations listed below will be disciplined by a school administrator following written communication from the bus driver involved.  Students receiving bus citations will lose their bus privileges as follows:

1 st citation=warning 

2nd citation=no bus for 3 days

3rd citation = no bus for 5 days

4th citation = no bus for 10 days

5th citation = no bus for the rest of the school year

Please note: Serious offenses may result in the immediate loss of bus privileges for the remainder of the school year.

Violations of District Bus Regulations:

  1. Leaving seat while bus is in motion
  2. Tampering with bus equipment
  3. Obstructing the aisle with legs, feet, or other objects
  4. Not sitting facing the front of the bus
  5. Putting any part of the body out of bus windows
  6. Using vulgar or profane language or gestures
  7. Smoking or lighting matches on the bus
  8. Eating or drinking on the bus
  9. Failing to cross the street in front of the bus under the driver’s supervision
  10. Having dangerous objects, glass, knives, etc. on the bus
  11. Not following proper bus procedures
  12. Being defiant or uncooperative with the bus driver, needing constant correction
  13. Fighting or abusive body contact on the bus, or while loading and unloading
  14. Damaging or defacing the bus
  15. Making unnecessary noise or commotion, whistling or calling people from the bus
  16. Giving improper identification when requested by the bus driver
  17. Throwing objects from the bus window or while at the bus stop

Students are responsible for obeying all bus rules and school rules while at the bus stop and walking to and from the bus stop.