Students may not visit classrooms during a.m. or lunch recess, unless previously arranged with the classroom teacher. Students must have a hall pass to visit another classroom during recess breaks.
Playground Entrance Procedures
Walk on lines
Wait to be excused on the blacktop by your teacher
Walk to the area of choice
Playground Rules
Use bathrooms and drinking fountains appropriately and as intended.
Play on the blacktop areas only keeping out of restricted areas such as: hallways and in classroom corridors.
Leave all toys at home.
Walk on the blacktop except when playing an organized game.
Primary – Freeze once the bell rings. Once the Yard Duty Teacher blows whistle, students walk quietly to their line.
Intermediate – stop playing once first bell rings, line-up on numbers.
Use the grass area between the goalpost for soccer.
No tackle football.
No socializing in the middle of any games.
Only soccer balls or footballs can be kicked. Do not kick red balls, volleyballs, or basketballs. Share your game with any interested parties.
Snack Area
Eat snacks only at picnic tables next to the shack.
Bring healthy snacks.
Throw trash in trash cans.
Do not share snacks.
Student Rules for Games and Play Areas
Play Structure
No running
No tag, chasing, or pushing
No throwing bark
Bars – go correct direction
Climb the ladders on the outside and move toward the middle platform
Slide – sit in the center of the slide and come down feet first with bottom on the slide
Stand in line
Take turns
Basketball Rules – Half Court
Five players per team for a total of 10 players per half court
Only full court if available and others don’t want to use it.
1 Ball
Fouls – Must give up ball to opposing team
Traveling – Moving without bouncing or dribbling ball
Jump Balls
When ball tied up, play stops
Teams must alternate taking the ball out
Kickball Rules
Ten players per team for a total of 20 players
Batter (kicker) stands behind home plate before kicking the ball
Batter kicks the ball which has been rolled to him/her
Ball should be rolled only with moderate speed
If kicker kicks ball from grassy area they are out!
Kicker receives 3 pitches only
3 outs change sides
Runners on base may not lead off or steal a base
Runner is out if ball arrives to base in a controlled manner (i.e. thrown and caught, not thrown at runner)
Foursquare Rules
Server bounces ball, then hits it underhand to any square.
The ball must bounce only once in the square and then that player hits it to another square
The ball must bounce before being hit to the next square
The ball must be struck with an open hand
Waiting players line up 3 feet from the game.
Stepping on or over the line is a foul, causing the player to be out (except when stepping out of your own square).
Players rotate towards square A. Only the person who is “out” leaves the game. New players enter at square D.
Square A is always the server
If the ball hits on a line, it is an out for the hitter.
If the ball is made to bounce over an opponent’s head, it is an out for the hitter.
Tetherball Rules
Hitting the ball with any part of the body other than the hands.
Stopping continuous play by holding or catching the ball.
Touching the pole with any part of the body.
Touching or hitting the rope.
No Climbing of the pole or adjusting of the rope and chain are allowed.
A player who commits any of the fouls listed above forfeits the game to his opponent. Play stops immediately after a foul has been committed.
The game is won by the player who first winds the rope completely around the pole or by forfeit in the case of a foul committed by an opponent. 5 wins in a row, must rotate out.
Freeze Bell
When students hear the bell, all movement stops immediately.
Students stand in place
Balls and/or equipment is held in hands
If on play structure, students are to stand where they are
When the whistle blows, students may go to the bathroom/get water and then walk to their lines.
Students line up one after the other or in assigned order.
Hands are folded, in pockets, or at their sides ready to go inside and learn.